Privacy Policy

RUAL.INC Corporation operates under the following privacy policy for the handling of personal information within the services (hereinafter referred to as “the Services”) provided on this website.

Article 1: Privacy Information

  1. Personal information refers to information that can identify an individual, as defined by the Personal Information Protection Law. This includes the individual’s name, date of birth, address, telephone number, contact information, and other such descriptive details.
  2. Privacy information includes not only “personal information” as defined above but also historical and characteristic information. This covers details of services used on the website, pages and advertisements viewed, search keywords used on the site, date and time of use, method of use, environment of use, postal code, gender, occupation, age, the user’s IP address, cookie information, location information, and individual identification information of devices, all of which can be used to identify an individual’s activity history.

Article 2: Method of Collection

  1. When users register for use or make inquiries, we may collect personal information related to payment, such as bank account numbers and credit card numbers, as needed. In addition, information from documents that can verify an individual’s identity, such as driver’s license numbers or My Number, may also be provided. Furthermore, transaction records including personal information made between the user and our partners, as well as payment information, may be collected for service provision.
  2. We collect historical and characteristic information about users, such as the history of services and software used, products purchased, pages and advertisements viewed, search keywords, date and time of use, method of use, environment of use, the communication status of the device when used through a mobile terminal, various settings information at the time of use, IP address, cookie information, location information, and individual identification information of devices when users utilize the services of RUAL.INC Corporation or its partners or browse their pages.

Article 3: Purpose of Collection and Use

The purposes for which RUAL.INC Corporation collects and uses personal information are as follows:

  1. To allow customers to freely access and modify their registration data and confirm service usage, and to provide basic information such as name, address, contact information, payment method, as well as details of selected services, purchased products, and payment amounts.
  2. To utilize email for sending notifications and messages to customers, to deliver products, and to use contact information including names and addresses for other necessary interactions.
  3. To use details such as the customer’s name, date of birth, address, contact telephone number, bank account information, credit card information, and driver’s license number for verifying the customer’s identity.
  4. To use payment information such as the name and quantity of purchased products, type of service, duration, frequency of use, billing amount, name, address, financial institution information, and credit card details for billing customers for services and products.
  5. To provide registration information as input assistance for efficient use of our services by customers and to transfer information to other companies’ services at the customer’s direction, including services provided by partners.
  6. To prevent violations of terms of use, damage to third parties, or fraudulent activities by using information that can identify individual patterns of use, names, and addresses.
  7. To respond to customer inquiries and claims related to services by using details of inquiries, claim information, and other information necessary for service provision, as well as the customer’s service usage history and contact information.
  8. For all purposes related to the above and any ancillary purposes thereof.

Article 4: Disclosure of Personal Information

RUAL.INC Corporation will promptly respond to requests from users for disclosure of their personal information. However, in the following situations, we may refrain from disclosing all or part of the information. If we decide to refuse disclosure, or if disclosure involves a significant cost, or if the requested method of disclosure is difficult, we will promptly explain the situation. A fee of 1,000 yen will be charged for the disclosure process.

  1. When there is a possibility of harming the legal rights and interests of life, health, property, etc., of the user or another person.
  2. When there is a risk of significant obstruction to the execution of our business operations.

When there is a possibility of violating the law. Please note that we do not disclose information that does not identify individuals, such as historical and characteristic information.

Article 5: Correction and Deletion of Personal Information

Users may request the correction or deletion of their personal information held by RUAL.INC Corporation if they recognize an error, following specified procedures. Based on such requests, if deemed necessary, we will promptly correct or delete the information and notify the user.

Article 6: Suspension of Use of Personal Information

If a user requests the temporary suspension or deletion of their personal information on the grounds that it has been handled beyond the scope of the intended purpose or has been

Article 7: Management of Personal Information Security

Our company strictly manages the personal information provided to us, and we implement appropriate security measures against risks such as unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, and leakage.

  1. Technical Security Measures: We install security software and take other measures to protect information from unauthorized access and viruses.

Organizational Security Measures: We provide regular training to our employees on the handling of personal information.

Article 8: Policy on Providing Personal Information to Third Parties

Our company does not disclose personal information to external parties without the explicit consent of the user, except in certain situations. The exceptions to this policy include:

  • When required by legal demand.
  • When there is an emergency that threatens the life, health, or property of the user or others, and it is not possible to obtain the user’s consent.
  • When necessary to improve public health or to promote the sound growth of children in an emergency.
  • When it is necessary to cooperate with national or local public entities to perform legal duties, and obtaining the user’s consent could impede the process.

Furthermore, we may disclose information to third parties without the user’s consent beforehand if the following conditions are met:

  • The purpose of the provision.
  • The type of information to be provided.
  • The means and method of provision.
  • Procedures to stop the provision of information to third parties upon the user’s request.

Even under these conditions, if we outsource part of the information processing necessary for our business operations, if our business is transferred due to a merger or otherwise, or if we use the information in collaboration with certain third parties, this is not considered provision to third parties. The details of the shared information, the scope of the related parties, the purpose of use, and the information of the person in charge of management will be notified to the user.

RUAL.INC Corporation
Phone: 03-5937-5661
Email: contact[atmark]

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